Watch this young man…he’s going places.

This afternoon, I headed over to Starbucks to check in with Julio, a Napa High senior, whom I am mentoring for his senior project. Julio is a writer, and for his project he is writing and publishing a romance novella. I am mentoring him because I am a published author (and because I adore kids of all ages!). 

“So, what’s happening with your novel, Julio?,” I asked, and he pulled out the award he won from NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month, described by Wikipedia as  “an annual internet-based creative writing project that takes place every November. NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a new novel between November 1 and 30.”

Julio wrote 50,000 words and completed his novella during November! And I’M mentoring HIM? This 17 year old is so inspiring to talk to and be around. He wanted to talk about book marketing, and I shared some ideas about starting a blog, creating his tribe of followers, and engaging with them.

The world is Julio’s oyster. Lucky me along for the ride!


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