Raising a Child Who Is a Success…Part One

Everyone wants to raise a child who is a success.

How we define that success, though, makes all the difference in the kind of relationship that we will create with our child.  And too often, we are so focused on success that we lose sight of the relationship itself.

In Raise the Child You”ve Got—Not the One You Want, I look what happens when the parents define success for their children.  There”s a lot of this going on in our culture, and it”s understandable! After all, we live in a complex, fast-changing world, and we want our children to become prepared to live in, and take on that world. It”s easy to fall into this kind of thinking:

My job as オンライン カジノ a parent is to raise a child who is a success, and I have the wisdom, experience and judgment to know what it means to be a success. I help shape and mold my child to follow this path, and when he complies with my expectations, he earns my acceptance and approval. When he doesn’t comply, we battle, and I look for new ways to keep him on the path to success. Repeat as necessary.

Do you see where I”m going with this?  When parents decide what success is, our job then becomes to mold, shape, cajole and push our children to satisfy us and our idea of what”s best for them. This tension is at the root of many of the recurring conflicts we experience with our children, and each battle chips away at your connection with your child.

Leading with acceptance offers an alternative. Stay tuned to learn a better way to raise a child who is a success!

Thoughts? Please share!

photo credit: schani via photopin cc



  • Nancy says:

    Thank you nancy rose for the constant reminder to give love and acceptance for the boy my son IS and to honor and guide THAT part of him!

  • […] all want to raise successful children. In my last post, I described the problems that can occur when parents are the ones who define success.  They then […]

  • […] all want to raise successful children.  In my last post, I described the problems that can occur when parents are the ones who define success.  They then […]

  • Jackie Weintraub says:

    I am a total fan! Nancy, you and your message are amazing!

  • dorothy smith says:

    after you meet nancy rose, you’ll be reminded of how wonderfully giving and dedicated people can be.

    this sensitive woman glows with compassion and understanding, and she will share her personal experiences with honesty and joy. (not kidding).

    although her focus has been on parenting, i’ve found her message transcends age and relationship boundaries. while reading her book, i’ve applied her acceptance techniques to my husband’s habits and quirks–along with my own–with gentle, loving, and harmonious results.

    put nancy in your life’s toolbox. for clarity, enjoyment, and true thrills with your children, she is as indispensable as your measuring tape and flashlight.

    • Nancy Rose says:

      Zowie, Dorothy! Talk about a testimonial! The power of acceptance is lifechanging…so glad you are finding my techniques useful.

  • Arlene Rosner says:

    I wish I had this book 30 years ago. I cannot wait to read it!!!

    • Nancy Rose says:

      Arlene, thank you for your kind words…and keep in mind that it’s never too late to plant seeds of acceptance 🙂

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